Instagram is definitely a splendid platform to promote your brand, company, or artwork. You can reach out to thousands and lacs of other people on Instagram and exchange ideas.
However, in order to promote your business, you will need engagements. It’s also not that important to have followers to be able to engage with new audience on Instagram.
Although, If you are new on Instagram, the probability is that you will have very few followers. To start with, you will need followers to show your work. If it is the case, then Don’t worry; I have some strategies to share with you, following which you can increase your followers in 2025 without any hassle.

#Tips To Increase Instagram Followers in 2025
Some Basic Tips
- Use suitable, popular, trending, catchy, and post-related hashtags. They help your post reach more people. There are so many tags used by most of the users, like #like4like, #amazing, #followme, #followback, #cute, #love, and more. You can even take recourse to the application to find suitable hashtags for your posts.
- Don’t Ignore the posts of other people. Like, comment as much as possible, which will ensure your presence. Even the majority of brands have used this technique. With a high presence, you will get more followers.
- Post Regularly: You need to post regularly on your page. This will ensure your activeness, and people will love to follow those who are active in running.
- Search and follow more and more people. They will follow you back if they are interested in your page. But make sure you find the right audience to follow so that rate of return may be higher.
Go For $Paid Promotion
- Promote that one of the posts that you find is getting better engagement than the other posts. It will help you find interested followers for your page.
- Run contests on social media and ask for a few tasks, like following on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. Many people have adopted this strategy and are also indulging in it from time to time. It will help to increase Instagram followers in less time.
Tips continued
- Ask Questions through your post or captions. Asking for feedback is very helpful.
- Make people aware of who you are through your bio and posts. People love to know about you. Even you can add a well-written page in your bio link
- Use proper call to action in your website blog or YouTube channel about your Instagram profile.
- Learn from insights. See the analytics from time to time, which will help you know the veins of the people following you. It will give an idea of the best time to post, and which category of content people like most. And, of course, you can discover more.
- You can use Crowdfire to analyze your audience.
- Post better content and attractive images. Don’t compromise with the image resolution; keep it as high as possible.
Over to You
These were the simple and most-used tips to grow the followers on your Instagram, most of them you might have be aware of but you should strategically use these tips to have better output.
Consistency is the key. Even if you have all the right tools and are aware of all the strategies, you can not grow until you use the tools and execute the strategies with proper consistency.
These tips can work for any other social media platform you want to grow on. I hope you enjoyed this post and learned something new.